Friday, February 22, 2013


Almost 30 years ago I witnessed a murder.  What you are about to read is the story of that life changing event and my reaction to it.

For more than 30 years I have lived in fear for my life, not knowing who I can trust or if the next person I meet on the street will be the one to silence me forever.  You believe that I am paranoid and maybe I am.  Paranoid or not, I have managed to survive despite witnessing the death of one human by another.  Part of that is due to survival instinct, some of it is luck.

I have struggled with the decision to document this story electronically for some time.  The Internet age has offered a degree of anonymity but it also can create a few problems as well.  Over the years I have kept a journal of some of the events that have occurred in my life but not a very detailed one.  A few of the notebooks were lost or destroyed at one point so those periods I will have to rely on my memory to fill in the gaps.  While it might not be 100% accurate, it will be close enough.  As time goes by I may remember more detail and insert it back into the timeline but that is not a priority.

I am not a professional writer, as you can most likely tell by the grammar and sentence structure.  I tend to ramble and sometimes I go off on tangents.  That is just me.  I write in a manner similar to my speech so this missive will be about the same read as it would be if I were telling it to you.

One last note.  The person whose account I am blogging under, "Enos" is not me.  He is allowing me to use his blogger account to keep anyone who would do me harm as far away as possible.  The story of how "Enos" and I met could easily be a whole other blog.  Maybe in time.

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